International Dispensing Delnica

International Dispensing Večkratnik prihodkov (KUV) 2024

International Dispensing Večkratnik prihodkov (KUV)








Trenutno na 6. okt. 2024 je KUV podjetja International Dispensing 65,66, kar je sprememba za −1,35% v primerjavi s 66,56 KUV v prejšnjem letu.

Zgodovina International Dispensing Večkratnik prihodkov (KUV)

International Dispensing Aktienanalyse

Kaj počne International Dispensing?

International Dispensing Corp (IDC) is a globally operating provider of innovative and sustainable packaging solutions for liquid, paste, and viscous products. The company was founded in 2004 by a group of engineers and entrepreneurs and has since continuously invested in research and development to create groundbreaking technologies for the packaging industry. IDC's business model is to develop packaging solutions that meet the needs of customers. IDC offers a wide range of packaging for different needs and industries, from food to cosmetics to chemical products. The company works closely with its customers to develop innovative packaging solutions that meet their specific requirements while also complying with market standards. IDC offers various divisions, including bag-in-box systems, unique sprayer systems, and customized packaging solutions for the food and beverage industry, the cosmetics industry, and the chemical industry. IDC's bag-in-box systems are an innovative packaging solution for liquid, paste, and viscous products. The systems consist of a special bag that is inserted into a sturdy outer packaging, a carton. The bag is designed to protect the product from light, air, and contaminants, while the outer packaging provides stability and protection. The system is commonly used for packaging wines, juices, dairy products, oils, and other liquid foods, as well as for industrial applications. IDC's unique sprayer systems offer a unique way to dose and distribute liquid products. The systems are specifically designed to deliver precise dosing and spray patterns while minimizing air and light exposure. The sprayers are commonly used in the cosmetics and personal care industry to spray perfumes, hair oils, and other products, but also in the food and chemical industry. IDC's customized packaging solutions help customers develop unique packaging for their products. IDC works closely with customers to understand their requirements and be able to design and develop appropriate packaging. IDC has a strong focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility. For example, IDC's bag-in-box system is an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional glass and plastic bottles. It reduces packaging weight, saves space, and reduces transportation and storage costs. Furthermore, it is more sustainable as the packaging is recyclable. Overall, IDC is an innovative and dynamic company specializing in the development of packaging solutions for liquid, paste, and viscous products. With a wide range of packaging, a strong expertise in research and development, and a focus on sustainability, IDC is well positioned to transform the packaging industry and change the way we package and transport our products. The answer in English is: International Dispensing Corp (IDC) is a globally operating provider of innovative and sustainable packaging solutions for liquid, paste, and viscous products. The company was founded in 2004 by a group of engineers and entrepreneurs and has since continuously invested in research and development to create groundbreaking technologies for the packaging industry. IDC's business model is to develop packaging solutions that meet the needs of customers. IDC offers a wide range of packaging for different needs and industries, from food to cosmetics to chemical products. The company works closely with its customers to develop innovative packaging solutions that meet their specific requirements while also complying with market standards. IDC offers various divisions, including bag-in-box systems, unique sprayer systems, and customized packaging solutions for the food and beverage industry, the cosmetics industry, and the chemical industry. IDC's bag-in-box systems are an innovative packaging solution for liquid, paste, and viscous products. The systems consist of a special bag that is inserted into a sturdy outer packaging, a carton. The bag is designed to protect the product from light, air, and contaminants, while the outer packaging provides stability and protection. The system is commonly used for packaging wines, juices, dairy products, oils, and other liquid foods, as well as for industrial applications. IDC's unique sprayer systems offer a unique way to dose and distribute liquid products. The systems are specifically designed to deliver precise dosing and spray patterns while minimizing air and light exposure. The sprayers are commonly used in the cosmetics and personal care industry to spray perfumes, hair oils, and other products, but also in the food and chemical industry. IDC's customized packaging solutions help customers develop unique packaging for their products. IDC works closely with customers to understand their requirements and be able to design and develop appropriate packaging. IDC has a strong focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility. For example, IDC's bag-in-box system is an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional glass and plastic bottles. It reduces packaging weight, saves space, and reduces transportation and storage costs. Furthermore, it is more sustainable as the packaging is recyclable. Overall, IDC is an innovative and dynamic company specializing in the development of packaging solutions for liquid, paste, and viscous products. With a wide range of packaging, a strong expertise in research and development, and a focus on sustainability, IDC is well positioned to transform the packaging industry and change the way we package and transport our products. International Dispensing ist eines der beliebtesten Unternehmen auf

Večkratnik prihodkov (KUV) v podrobnosti

Razvozlavanje KUV od International Dispensing

Razmerje cena/prodaja (KUV) od International Dispensing je pomembno finančno merilo, ki meri tržno vrednotenje podjetja v razmerju do njegovega celotnega prometa. Izračuna se tako, da se tržna kapitalizacija podjetja deli s celotnim prometom v določenem časovnem obdobju. Nižji KUV lahko nakazuje, da je podjetje podcenjeno, medtem ko lahko višje razmerje nakazuje na precenjenost.

Primerjava iz leta v leto

Letna primerjava KUV od International Dispensing ponuja vpogled, kako trg vrednoti podjetje glede na njegove prodaje. Razmerje, ki s časom narašča, lahko kaže na rastoče zaupanje vlagateljev, medtem ko padajoči trend lahko odraža zaskrbljenost glede sposobnosti podjetja za ustvarjanje prometa ali tržnih razmer.

Vpliv na investicije

KUV je ključnega pomena za vlagatelje, ki ocenjujejo delnice od International Dispensing. Ponuja vpogled v učinkovitost podjetja pri ustvarjanju prometa in njegovo tržno vrednotenje. Vlagatelji uporabljajo to razmerje za primerjavo podobnih podjetij znotraj iste panoge in pomaga pri izbiri delnic, ki ponujajo najboljšo vrednost za naložbo.

Interpretacija nihanj KUV

Nihanja v KUV od International Dispensing se lahko zgodijo zaradi sprememb cene delnic, prometa ali obojega. Razumevanje teh nihanj je za vlagatelje ključnega pomena, da ocenijo trenutno vrednotenje in potencial za prihodnjo rast podjetja ter ustrezno prilagodijo svoje investicijske strategije.

Pogosta vprašanja o delnici International Dispensing

Kakšno je razmerje cena/dobiček podjetja International Dispensing?

Razmerje cena/dobiček podjetja International Dispensing trenutno znaša 65,66.

Kako se je razmerje cena/dobiček družbe International Dispensing spremenilo v primerjavi z lanskim letom?

Razmerje cena dobiček od International Dispensing se je v primerjavi z lanskim letom spremenilo za −1,35% padel.

Katere posledice ima visoko razmerje med ceno in dobičkom za vlagatelje?

Visoko razmerje med ceno in dobičkom kaže, da je delnica podjetja relativno draga in da investitorji morda pričakujejo nižji donos.

Kaj pomeni nizko razmerje med ceno in dobičkom?

Nizko razmerje cena/dobiček pomeni, da je delnica podjetja relativno ugodna in vlagatelji morda lahko dosežejo višji donos.

Ali je razmerje cena/dobiček podjetja International Dispensing v primerjavi z drugimi podjetji visoko?

Da, razmerje cena/dobiček podjetja International Dispensing je v primerjavi z drugimi podjetji visoko.

Kakšen vpliv ima povišanje razmerja cena/dobiček od International Dispensing na podjetje?

Povišanje razmerja med ceno in dobičkom na International Dispensing bi pripeljalo do višje tržne kapitalizacije podjetja, kar bi posledično povzročilo višjo ocenitev vrednosti podjetja.

Kako znižanje razmerja cena/dobiček za International Dispensing vpliva na podjetje?

Znižanje razmerja cena/dobiček za International Dispensing bi privedlo do nižje tržne kapitalizacije podjetja, kar bi posledično vodilo do nižje vrednotenja podjetja.

Kateri so nekateri dejavniki, ki vplivajo na razmerje cena/dobiček pri International Dispensing?

Nekateri dejavniki, ki vplivajo na razmerje med ceno in dobičkom od International Dispensing, so rast podjetja, finančni položaj podjetja, razvoj panoge in splošne gospodarske razmere.

Koliko dividende izplača International Dispensing?

V zadnjih 12 mesecih je International Dispensing izplačal dividendo v višini . To ustreza približni donosnosti dividend . V prihajajočih 12 mesecih bo International Dispensing predvidoma izplačal dividendo v višini 0 USD.

Kakšen je donos dividend od International Dispensing?

Trenutni donos od dividend za International Dispensing znaša .

Kdaj International Dispensing izplača dividend?

International Dispensing izplačuje četrtletno dividendo. Ta se izplačuje v mesecih .

Kako varna je dividenda od International Dispensing?

International Dispensing je v zadnjih 0 letih vsako leto izplačeval dividend.

Kakšna je dividenda od International Dispensing?

V naslednjih 12 mesecih se pričakuje dividende v višini 0 USD. To ustreza dividendnemu donosu 0 %.

V katerem sektorju se nahaja International Dispensing?

International Dispensing je razvrščen v sektor 'Osnovni materiali'.

Wann musste ich die Aktien von International Dispensing kaufen, um die vorherige Dividende zu erhalten?

Da si prejel zadnjo dividendo International Dispensing z dne 6. 10. 2024 v višini 0 USD, si moral imeti delnico v depoju pred dnevom brez pravice do dividende (Ex-Tag) 6. 10. 2024.

Kdaj je International Dispensing izplačal zadnjo dividendo?

Zadnje izplačilo dividende je bilo 6. 10. 2024.

Kakšna je bila dividenda od International Dispensing v letu 2023?

V letu 2023 je International Dispensing 0 USD izplačal kot dividende.

V kateri valuti International Dispensing izplača dividendo?

Dividende od International Dispensing se izplačujejo v USD.

Delniški varčevalni načrti ponujajo privlačno možnost za vlagatelje, da dolgoročno zgradijo premoženje. Eden glavnih prednosti je tako imenovani učinek povprečenja stroškov: Z rednim vlaganjem fiksnega zneska v delnice ali delniške sklade se avtomatsko kupi več enot, ko so cene nizke, in manj, ko so visoke. To lahko vodi do ugodnejše povprečne cene na enoto s časom. Poleg tega delniški varčevalni načrti omogočajo tudi malim vlagateljem dostop do dragih delnic, saj se lahko pridružijo že z majhnimi zneski. Redna investicija tudi spodbuja disciplinirano investicijsko strategijo in pomaga izogibati se čustvenim odločitvam, kot so impulzivno kupovanje ali prodaja. Poleg tega vlagatelji profitirajo od potencialne rasti vrednosti delnic kot tudi od izplačil dividend, ki se lahko reinvestirajo, kar povečuje učinek obrestnega obrestovanja in s tem rast investiranega kapitala.

Andere Kennzahlen von International Dispensing

Naša analiza delnic International Dispensing Prihodki vključuje pomembne finančne kazalnike, kot so prihodki, dobiček, razmerje cena/dobiček (KGV), razmerje cena/prihodki (KUV), EBIT ter informacije o dividendah. Prav tako preučujemo aspekte, kot so delnice, tržna kapitalizacija, dolgovi, lastniški kapital in obveznosti International Dispensing Prihodki. Če iščete podrobnejše informacije o teh temah, na naših podstraneh nudimo obsežne analize: